The AeroPress has a full spectrum of fans from beginning coffee drinkers to industry experts. Why do people love their AeroPress? It makes a great cup of coffee and it’s easy to use !
You’ll need
Very Good Coffee
AeroPress Filter
Timer Coffee cup or other vessel
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Brew Time
2’30” Seconds
93 c°
Grind Size
Silica beach sand
Coffee:Water Ratio
Step 1

Insert a paper filter into the AeroPress’s detachable plastic cap
Step 2

Twist filter cap onto chamber
Step 3

Stand chamber on sturdy mug and put coffee in chamber
Step 4

Add hot water into the chamber, , and let it sit for 2’30” seconds
Step 5

Insert plunger and press gently, pausing when you feel resistance, until plunger reaches grounds
Step 6

Serve and enjoy the coffee