Oat way to save the planet

Does oat milk helps in reducing greenhouse gas emission?


Yes, it does. 
Dairy farms have been identified as the major culprit source of greenhouse gas emission. In the comparison with different types of milk, dairy milk not only contributes significantly towards greenhouse gas emissions, but also, uses significant land, freshwater usage and eutrophication. 
Dairy milk is arguably the most accessible and common option in making cafe latte. In recent years, there is a noticeable rising trend of public awareness towards the impact of cow’s milk on Mother Earth, and oat milk has become more popular, and relatively, in demand now. 
At Bnb we want to do our part in saving the planet, with YOUR help of course! An action as simple as switching the type of milk you choose to consume in your daily coffee can significantly help reduce emissions and work towards a healthier planet.
In addition, to reduce these impacts to our planet, we are now adding plant-based milk – oat milk as an alternative option to cow’s milk in our outlets. 
By substituting the milk option with plant-based milk, you are helping in the reduction of greenhouse gas emission by 80%. A 200ml of oat milk contributes as low as 0.18kg of CO2e to the environment, which is a lot lesser than fresh cow’s milk.
Oat milk has a creamy mouthfeel and sweet malty taste when it is served in an espresso, which makes it one of the most favourite option for our customers. The benefits of oat milk are significant as well. It is perfect for people suffering from lactose-intolerance and food allergies. It is naturally lactose-free, and it does not contain nuts or soy. As it is made from certified gluten-free oats, anyone with gluten-related disorders can enjoy oat milk. 
In the long run, we hope by providing this alternative milk option in our stores, more people are able to experience its great taste, which further inspire our customers to choose plant-based milk over cow’s milk more often both at cafes or at home. Let’s do our parts together in reducing greenhouse gas emissions through our daily coffee consumption.